In memory of Ben

This site is a tribute to Ben, who was born in Manchester on July 20, 1976. He died in 2020, at the age of 43, after contracting CoVid-19. Ben was gentle, generous and honest. He is sorely missed by all his friends and family.

After giving blood the first time, many years ago, Ben discovered his platelets were rare and high-value, because they were compatible with many more people than usual. He donated those platelets as often as he could. His donations went on to help save the lives of many.

The best things we can all do in his honour are to make sure we are registered for organ donations, and to find out how you can give blood. If you would also like to donate a little money to the NHS Blood and Transplant Trust Fund, you can do so here. Any donations to the fund will go on to fund medical research or improvements to the NHS' Blood and Transplant services.


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Ben introduced me to so many new firsts. He bought me my first cocktail when we would meet up with the ‘nerds’ to watch Marvel films. He would always offer to buy me popcorn at the cinema and had no difficulty in explaining the in’s and out’s of each movie that I didn’t quite get. Ben educated me in films by lending me the alien Quadriology, and even gave me his old PlayStation and games. Ben was one of the most generous people I know. He also got Me tickets for the foo fighters where I experienced my first mosh pit! A lot of my favourite memories were all influenced by Ben, and even now me and my family are still being reminded by the acts of kindness and bits of knowledge ben would tell us about day to day. We miss you dearly Ben, Thank you for everything you have done for me, never forgotten. X
26th May 2020
Ben introduces me to many firsts! He bought me my first cocktail when we would go watch marvel films with the ‘nerds’ and had no difficulty explaining the in’s and out’s of each film if I didn’t quite get it. He always offered to buy me popcorn or an incredibly large tango ice blast. Ben was one of the most geniuses people I had ever met, he even gave me his PlayStation and games. Ben educated me in films by lending me the Alien Quadrilogy and music as he had gotten me the foo fighters tickets where I experienced my first mosh pit! Me and my family are constantly reminded by his acts of kindness and reminded of the things he had said or done for us. We miss you dearly Ben, Thank you for being such a huge part and impact on my life and some of my best memories, Never forgotten x
26th May 2020
My gentle giant is the best person whom I have had the privilege to know for over 15 years. He is selfless and would drop anything to help his friends and family. I miss you constantly. Vikx
victoria slack
11th May 2020
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NHS Blood and Transplant Charity Fund
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